Rebranding and Customization

AggreGate IoT Platform and all derived vertical market solutions are white-labeled. These products are designed to be rebranded and redistributed by the hardware manufacturers under an OEM agreement. To achieve your desired commercial results, the branded package will inherit your custom name, copyright, logos, icons, website links, documentation, and other elements of your corporate identity.

Rebranding Purposes

Before you dive into the rebranding process, you first need to recognize good reasons for that. See what you get if you choose to rebrand:

  • Quick market launch of your IoT product or service
  • Huge drop of investments in development and maintenance
  • Building your own system based on a constantly developing industrial platform
  • Opportunity to borrow the manufacturer’s experience in architecture design of a distributed control & monitoring system

Rebranding Options

What can we guarantee in the first place?

  • Applying the OEM partner’s corporate identity to a new product
  • Custom product name, logo, images, icons, copyright notices, manufacturer’s website links, etc.
  • Fully rebranded documentation
  • Regular renewal of the branded distribution bundles which include the plugins developed by a partner or the manufacturer
  • Fully hidden traces of the original manufacturer

Rebranding Partners

Tibbo proved itself as a trustworthy partner open for cooperation with various businesses, including:

  • Equipment manufacturers (OEM/ODM partners)
  • Value-added resellers
  • System integrators and engineering companies developing their reference solutions
  • Telecoms and MSPs delivering SaaS/PaaS cloud services

Rebranding Lifecycle

Before a rebranded product appears in the marketplace, it takes several steps to prepare:

  • Branding Kit processing, design and application of the corporate identity elements
  • Parallel work on the OEM agreement
  • Commissioning of the newly branded product bundles
  • Product testing by the OEM partner
  • New product go-to-market

An average market launch takes 2-5 months from the commencement of design work to the pub date.

OEM Partner Support

Our partners are lucky to get all-level support services right after the product launch:

  • We keep the 2nd and the 3rd support line
  • When the OEM partner's expertise moves higher, the partner can start covering the 2nd support line
  • At the start of a project lifecycle, our specialists can take on the 1st support line, directly communicating with the OEM partner’s customers on the partner's behalf
  • Our engineers can also get involved in the key technical discussions as a part of the OEM partner’s team
  • We can optionally act as a deployment subcontractor

Base Platform Evolution

Supposing our partners decide to extend the AggreGate Platform, we designed the following favorable terms:

  • OEM partners can independently extend the branded product by using our open-source SDK
  • Platform improvements requested by a partner which are considered to be its logical progression are performed free of charge with a higher priority
  • OEM partners finance the vendor-specific extensions on their own or these extensions are co-funded by the manufacturer if it is mutually agreed


Tibbo provides some flexible customization options for AggreGate to create a distribution specially prepared and fine-tuned to your company's needs. These options include:

  • Internationalization. All text resources can be translated into any language.
  • Localization. This includes the custom rules for formatting date/time and some other country-specific values. For example, a customized AggreGate bundle may contain the pre-defined date/time patterns.
  • User interface customization. Custom graphical components, themes, product logos, splash screens, icons, etc.
  • Custom alerts, reports, models, dashboards, widgets, and other system objects. A customized AggreGate distribution may include any number of these objects that are created specifically for your needs. For example, if you create a system to monitor the water tanks, it may include an Overflow Detected alert and a Water Volume in Tank (per-hour) report.
  • Custom plugins and device drivers. Custom AggreGate server plugins allow connecting new intelligent devices to the system, introduce new server contexts or add new actions to the existing contexts.
  • Custom web services and APIs for interaction with different third-party systems. Such APIs act as a bridge between AggreGate and third-party systems, such as billing, video surveillance and other enterprise-grade software.
  • Data migration scenarios. These scripts can be helpful for importing/exporting data from different systems.
  • Personalized startup scripts. Such scripts perform the non-standard data processing operations that can't be easily requested from the user interface components, such as changing the alert settings en masse. These scripts are usually launched on the server startup and perform one-time actions.

Contact us for more information about the available rebranding and customization options.